JH Town Weekend - Merchandise Design

Client: James Harden // JH Town Weekend

Creative Project Manager: Arthikka Jey

Creative Direction: Drew Hall

Art Direction: Jack Riley

Design Lead: Jack Riley

As an ode to Houston, the place of James Harden’s upbringing, James curates and hosts an annual charity event there. The JH Town event raises funds to support initiatives that are making positive contributions to the Houston community.

One of the event’s initiatives in 2021 involved the sale of merchandise. I was asked to design this merchandise.

My task was to visualize the essence of a cheerful fanfare and James Harden himself through his on-court nick names; “the visionary,” and “the playmaker.”

These nicknames informed the lightbulb, telescope, and eye imagery decisions. In addition to this imagery, the designs included event branding in the form of custom typography. The custom typography varied in form and color piece to piece to seamlessly integrate with the surrounding graphical elements of the respective design.

The vibrant, warm, and energetic color palette selection was reflective of the joyful undertone characteristic to the event.