Future // High Off Life Album Recap - Book Design

Client: Future // Freebandz Records

Creative Project Manager: Fred Foster

Creative Direction: Fred Foster

Art Direction: Jack Riley


Dwight Elder
Kevin Le
Rodrigo Villordo

Design Lead: Jack Riley

Task // Concept

Future and the Freebandz Records team had desire to commemorate the process of building the High Off Life album.

The determined approach was to amass the photographs which were captured along the way and compile them into a coffee table book which would be made available to the public as a merchandise item. I was to art direct the creation of this book.

Ideation // Pallette

There were an abundance of photographs taken. Yet, to create a book with character I knew these images could not stand alone on the pages. To integrate additional elements to the pages, lyrics from the album’s tracks along with illustrations that relate to the lyrics were used as complementary assets.

The album’s black and white cover along with a collection of vibrant apparel (which I designed) offered an established visual system I used as a foundation for crafting the book’s appearance.

I decided to present the lyric passages in handwritten fonts, as explored in the research. The intention is for the reader to interpret as though they were personal messages to them.

Application // Presentation
For each page I applied black and white filter effects to the photographs and overlayed lyrics and their associated illustrations. The lyrics and illustrations took on the same vibrant colors I dictated in the apparel collection to compose a juxtaposed contrast that attracts viewer’s eyes.

I cycled through the use of three primary grid-layouts for the display of the text-content and also cycled the use of the five palette colors, creating a satisfying balance between novelty and consistency among the pages.